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Deaf Makers + Creators Interview Series: Kirk and Teresa Von Loh

Von Loh

Kird and Teresa Von Loh: Challenging assumptions.

“We love feedback from the perspective of both the Deaf community and the hearing Community, and so it’s been great to be able to operate in both.”

Kirk and Teresa Von Loh want you to know their business is creative and flexible. Their ASL Plant Sticks are custom made and suitable for indoor plant decoration. Have fun and bring an open mind to the table when working with these two. The married team of creatives include Kirk, who was Deaf from birth, and has a strong sense of motivation to participate in his community. Together they run their business on Etsy. 

Honor your loved ones with whatever message or color you prefer. Of course, they have beautiful ASL Plant Sticks with the iconic “I love you” hand symbol included. You can add a variety of charms representing all different kinds of symbolism, such as a cross for your religion or a heart for love or even a birthday cake for a celebration.

They make great gifts with charms that celebrate all holidays, like a pumpkin charm for Halloween or a turkey for Thanksgiving. People also love to create sticks with their favorite high school, college or pro sports team colors and charms like a football or a basketball. 

Learn more about ASL Plant Sticks, a Deaf-owned small business based out of Colorado! Kirk and Teresa share valuable insight about being Deaf business owners, ASL sign meanings, and so much more! Be sure to follow their business on Facebook and Instagram @ASLPlantSticks and shop their Etsy store at

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