
Deaf Services Unlimited provides interpreting and captioning services to federal, state, and local agencies.


Government Sign Language Interpreting & CART Captioning Services

DSU provides sign language interpreting and captioning services for the Deaf and hard of hearing, both on-site and online.

Unlike other firms who interpret many languages, our specialization allows us to address the unique communication and cultural aspects of American Sign Language that are not commonly shared by spoken languages.

With extensive experience as a government contractor, DSU has the knowledge to ensure your agency is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as well as state and local laws. Our General Services Administration (GSA) pricing allows government agencies to be provided with top quality, cost-effective services.  

Trusted by clients across the nation

  • Logo IRS
  • Logo FEMA
  • Logo White House
  • Logo Dept VA
  • Logo FEC
  • Logo State of Arizona

Making connections possible.


  • Top quality in-person interpreting and Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services in American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken English

  • Complete coordination of services by our professional staff for all requests, from one-time requests to ongoing appointments to multi-part events

  • Nationally certified interpreters and CART writers, locally licensed and available to practice in your area

  • Experienced government contractor offering General Services Administration (GSA) pricing

  • Top quality Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) captioning services in English and Spanish

  • 100% compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and pertinent federal, state, and local laws

You’re in good hands.

For years, Deaf Services Unlimited has performed sign language interpreting services under contract for different agencies within the Department of Homeland Security through our BPA.

On March 17, 2020, during the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, DSU was contacted by the Contracting Officer’s Representatives managing contracts for one of these agencies, inquiring to see if we were able to offer remote services to any task order that did not previously include that service.

As a pioneer in Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) services, DSU helped to set industry standards for its use. By this time, our team had been providing VRI for nearly a decade and were well prepared for the shift to remote work.

Our team transitioned over each of these contracts without a hitch. While many contracts didn’t utilize these services initially, some immediately started scheduling meetings and interviews where our team remotely provided services. VRI allowed zero lapse in services for Deaf and hard of hearing employees at these agencies.

By early Fall 2020, many locations transitioned back into the office full-time. Since then, DSU has provided both onsite and remote accommodations for many different agencies across the United States.

Our specializations

  • Icon Puzzle

    Certified Deaf Interpreting (CDI)

  • Icon Sign Language

    Multilingual interpreting

  • Icon Handshake

    Team interpreting

  • Icon Globe

    GSA Schedule

Learn More About CDI Services

Certified Deaf Interpreting

We’re making conversations happen.

Scheduling an interpreter or CART writer through DSU is as simple as a phone call or click of the mouse.

Three business professionals communicate through signing in a courthouse hallway

Government Help Form

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