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Request Life Cycle

Requesting communication access services can feel complicated, especially your first time around. We’re here to make things easy.

Whether you are in need of Video remote interpreting, on-site interpreting, or captioning, your request takes this journey. From start to finish, your request becomes access through these steps…

Request Life Cycle

Main Logo
  • 1

    Request Submitted

    A request for services is submitted through our website

  • 2

    Request Processing

    The request is received and processed in our system by our Scheduling Team.

  • 3

    Request Coordination

    Our Coordination Team receives the request and works to secure and prepare a service provider.

  • 4

    Request Confirmation

    Our Coordination Team will provide you with service confirmation via email including all the details of the request once a provider is secured.

  • 5

    Request Fulfilled

    The service provider fulfills the request according to the confirmation details.

  • 6

    Request Invoiced

    Our Billing Team sends an invoice for services rendered one week after the request is fulfilled via email to pay at your convenience.

Simple, easy, with clear communication along the way. Start your journey with our request form below!

Request Services