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Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) Small Group Setting


Video Remote Interpreting is a great communication access tool for small group settings where 2-10 people may be present. VRI services offer shorter minimum appointment requirements and offer greater flexibility for specialized interpreters with backgrounds for fields be explored in the small group. Below are some small group settings VRI may be utilized within and considerations to make in those settings for effective communication for all parties…

Interviews/Employee Reviews– Settings like interviews and employee reviews with hearing and Deaf/hard-of-hearing attendees can successfully utilize VRI services when the space is prepped accordingly. If the entire meeting is connecting via Zoom, ensure all parties have access to the same Zoom call link and have adequate wifi access on their devices. If the meeting is in person and only the interpreter is remote, ensure the meeting space is free of ancillary noise and movement to make voicing for the Deaf signer easier for the interpreter.

Staff/Group Meetings– Staff or group meetings for personal or professional discussions can also use VRI effectively if prepared. In this type of conversational setting, it is important there are enough microphones throughout the meeting space to pick up the voicing for any speaking individual. Additionally, the device displaying the interpreter should have loud enough speakers or connected speakers to ensure adequate levels for the room when voicing for the Deaf individual. It is important the room is reminded to speak one at a time and to give time margin for delay in interpretation when the interpreter is voicing for the Deaf participant.

Study/Support Group– As for any assignment, it is crucial for interpreters to receive the content that will be discussed in advance for preparation. If information will be displayed for the group to see in addition to spoken, consider having a second device on the Zoom call facing the display screen so the interpreter can maintain pace with the presenter. If there will be video components to the presentation, ensure captioning is also turned on to supplement the interpretation.

As with any communication access request, the preference of the Deaf/hard-of-hearing consumer should always take precedence. Be sure to inform all meeting attendees in advance of communication access services to encourage full engagement and inclusion.

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