
What is Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)?

VRI stands for Video Remote Interpreting. This short video shares…
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Deaf History Month: Name Signs

Diana Kautzky, President of Deaf Services Unlimited, discusses the history…
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Deaf Services Unlimited interviews Linda Bove: Part 4

The last part of our interview with Linda Bove continues as…
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Deaf Services Unlimited interviews Linda Bove: Part 3

Our great discussion with Linda Bove continues as we discuss when…
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Deaf Services Unlimited interviews Linda Bove: Part 2

Last week we introduced our four part series of interviews with…
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Deaf Services Unlimited interviews Linda Bove: Part 1

A while back, we had the pleasure of interviewing Deaf…
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Deaf Services Unlimited Customer Testimonial – Northland Pioneer College

This Spring we had the opportunity to sit down with…
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